Volaris Flight Change | Same-Day, Fees, +1 888-982-1907

If there are at least 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure time, the price is $750 MXN (about $40 USD).

If there are between 24 and 4 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure time, the fare will be $1,000 MXN ($53 USD approximately).

For International Routes:

  • $75 USD if there are more than 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure time
  • If there are between 24 and 4 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure time, $100 USD

When travelling internationally between Central America:

  • If there are 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure time, the cost is USD $58.

If there are between 24 and 4 hours till the flight’s scheduled departure,

  • $85 USD for reservations made through the airport
  • $81 USD for reservations made using other channels

Visit the official website or mobile app of Volaris Airlines or dial their reservation department number for further information about flight change fees, penalties, or any other booking-related questions.